
Mar 16, 20222 min

Dear Elon Musk,

First of all, I love your vision! You make electric cars, and power them and our homes with solar panels for the ultimate in sustainability. I absolutely share your vision for people to take responsibility for how much they contribute to the overall carbon footprint we leave.

You saw carmaker after carmaker try and fail to make electric cars. Why? They tried to make cheap ones and it showed. Nobody wanted them because they sucked. Your idea? Make electric cars for the the super rich, so that it would be cool and then eventually make affordable cars after people were “hooked." Brilliant!

I just wanted to check in on that affordable vehicle part now that your cars have been on the road for over ten years. The affordable car you promised for under 30k is now for sale, but at 50k+. Weird. Do you have plans on making that affordable car still? Now that I’m thinking about, most people can’t afford or are willing to buy a $30k car. Can you make it $20k? Just lessen the range to 100-150 miles. Perfect.

Its great that the 1% can greatly reduce their carbon footprint. But what about the, I don’t know, roughly 8 billion other people that cant afford an electric vehicle?

Granted, I am probably not as smart as you are. But it seems to me and my logic, that by making smaller, more affordable vehicles would have a much larger impact. I understand that they aren’t as profitable as the expensive cars, but your goal is to save the world, not make a profit right? Right?
I would just be super embarrassed if we all found out 10 years from now that you never intended on saving the world. But that you were a huge fraud who used climate change as your marketing tool. Oh boy. That would suck!

Anyways, thanks for reading my letter Mr. Musk!😀


