Hi all! Can anyone please help me with a parts list for my ebike conversion? I would like to add the BBS02 motor with options for the longest life and strongest battery or one step down if recommended. Really my goal is to go fast with and not worry about the battery. The width of the motor is confusing so is the sprocket… my crank shaft is just under 3” see picts. Thank you for your help
Capt Mike
hey bro, looks straigthtforward, a good pick for conversion. a metric tape will help. looks like you have a BSA threaded 73 mm BB (the width of that BB shell), most use the JSA standard of 33.6-33.9mm BB diameter. so no worries. a BBSO2 68mm motor paired with a 52v battery will be good. since you have a large triangle space you could go with a triangle battery pack which would fit nicely and give u large range. I actually have a spare 52v 20Ah triangle pack I dont use anymore since I have a new bike, very low charge cycles, great pack, it gives a TON of range, 30-40 miles depending how you ride. selling it for 250$, retails for $375, a Unit Pack Power 52v 20Ah triangle pack. lmk if youre interested. also youd want a Lekkie Onenut to secure the motor on a 73mm BB. other than that, you prob want a bafang programming cable, and a gear shift sensor at the least. any accessories beyond those are up to you.