Thank you Mr Nerd-out for the E bike videos. New to e bikes myself, I am a couple days in. I went with the BBS02B 750 Watt. I like it, plenty of power. I learned by accident. How much an E bike can lunge, if the rider forgets its on. My first ride I put pedal assist on 5, rode right up a steep hill. Turned around coasted back down, rolled up into my drive way. I made it up on the side walk by the front door,rolling slow I gave it a half a crank on the pedals to roll to the steps. At that time, I remembered pedal assist was on 5. It is lucky for me I was turned a little ,It would have been house in my teeth. I set up a manual motor pause/kill. I use my first finger & middle finger for rear brake. Pinky & ring finger to pause motor function.I tried the clutch theory w/ the brake lever,hard not get any drag. With these 2 levers riders can pause the motor without slowing (pinky n ring) or a panic situation naturally grab both handles at once.Works for me when I roll up & need a quick pause. I hope this is helpful!