When I purchased my Toseven DM01 with T24 display it came with the cables required to update the motor and the controller along with a small power supply (115 VAC input - 24 VDC output) required to power the T24 during the update. I had previously updated the system (Controller & Display) twice before with no problem. The problem came when I went to update the system the third time, the controller updated with no problem but when I went to update the display the display didn't turn on when I depressed the power on button. My first thought was the power supply so checked the output plug and observed a voltage of 23.6 VDC (close enough to 24 VDC that it shouldn't be a problem). When I reconnected the system back to its normal configuration and depressed the power on button the display did not turn on. In running the program on the PC for the update I noticed what appeared to be an error message but since the program is in Chinese I took a screen shot and forwarded it to Toseven tech support along with my problem. Toseven responded that the problem was the power supply and they were sending me a replacement 12 VDC power supply.
As I wanted to ride instead of sitting at home I purchased a new Toseven programming cable as it included the suspect power supply. I also purchased a new T24 display as with my experience working with electronics lead me to believe that there was over an 80% chance that it had failed. I received the material and the first thing I checked was the rated output of the power supply, it was rated at 12 VDC not the 24 VDC of the original supplied power supply. I connected the power supply and cables to the T24 display and attempted to update the firmware and had the same result the display would not turn on. I then replaced the display with the new one I had just purchased and connected it to the system in a normal (not firmware update) configuration and turned on the battery. When I depressed the power on button the display turned on and began communicating with the controller, powered off the system and configured for updating the display. Performed an update of the display and upon completion and reconfiguration for normal operation proceeded to enter data into the user menu and advanced menu to ensure the system was operating using my preferred parameters.
This brings me to the questions of the day.
Is the 24 VDC power supply (double the voltage of the 12 VDC unit) the root cause of the T24 failure due to applying excess voltage to the unit?
2. What is the voltage of the power supply you received with your Toseven, 24 VDC or 12 VDC?