I want to do an upgrade but the only donor bike I have is a Diamondback Parkway crossover bike. I like bike itself but this has thinner tires and cannot accept disc brakes. I would like to do this upgrade and then maybe upgrade the bike later on if I like e-biking.
Will this work OK with the rim brakes?

You sound like a reasonable, conservative rider so you should be okay. However, when you're comin' down that hill and you have the right of way and the wind is at your back and you are feeling particularly fine and then some ass runs the stop sign and pulls out in front of you...well you better have your hands on the brake levers and those pads better be new. I couldn't tell you how many times this has happenned to me. Discs give an AMAZING feeling of confidence.
Thanks. I will be looking at either upgrading the brakes themselves or at least the pads and I don't intend to go any faster or crazier than if I was just pedaling alone. I was looking at buying one of the budget bikes like himiway but just feel that with more power on a much lighter bike will just give me a lot more power and endurance. The weight issue is one that I think is a significant selling factor to doing an upgrade to an existing bike. In the end I will be at 40-45 pounds vs 75-80 on one of those fat tire bikes.
It will work just fine depending upon a couple of things. If the brakes are good in dry and wet and you ride within the limits of the set-up. They will be the weak point but if you accept that, and ride accordingly there should be no issues.
And yes, if it works out and you really enjoy the experience and think that upgrading the bike would enhance things, then all the e-hardware can be swapped over. You will have time to research what it is you really want in a bike and then looking for a less expensive example. It can take time to find the right bike.
Good luck with the process.